Tiemann Chemistry      Education Lab


PhD Defense


April 2024


 Congratulations 🥳 !


On April 30, T- CEL member Christian Kressmann successfully defended his doctoral project. The topic “Creative problem solving” turned out to be very unwieldy and unruly, but in the end Christian managed to provide valuable insights into the theoretical foundations and open up the field a little for chemistry teaching - great! 


PhD Defense


Pixabay May 2024


Congratulations, Tina 🎉!


Tina Grottke worked on a big problem in chemistry education research: Learners are confronted with a variety of representations that they have to deal with appropriately in order to grasp the content they convey and solve chemical problems. An important prerequisite for the flexible use of multiple representations in the teaching and learning process is the so-called ability to translate, which involves transferring different forms of representation into one another. However, empirical studies have revealed deficits among learners in this context.



Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Tiemann

Head of the Chemistry Education Lab

The research program of the Tiemann Chemistry Education Lab has a strong commitment to knowledge acquisition by problem solving. In quantitative studies with technology based tools the focus is on describing, assessing and supporting  the fundamental mechanisms behind this process.  



"We only think when we are confronted with problems."

(John Dewey)



Combined with the use of experiments and the use of mental models to understand  core concepts of Chemistry, the research program empowers the Tiemann Chemistry Education Lab,   theory-driven and empirically, to investigate students' thinking individually or in classrooms. Alumni group members serve as Professors, for Science Outreach Organizations or as Chemistry Teachers.



Matthias Heyde (HU) CC BY-SA 3.0
Matthias Heyde (HU) CC BY-SA 3.0

The Chemistry Education Lab at Humboldt-University serves more than 100 students at K-12 (Sekundarstufe) and primary level (Primarstufe) each year through a diverse portfolio of theoretical background knowledge and first practical learning experiences. 


From students for students (in german): Video


Matthias Heyde (HU) CC BY-SA 3.0
Matthias Heyde (HU) CC BY-SA 3.0

The professional learning program is designed to improve the skills and competencies in creating innovative learning environments and to learn first teaching experiences. Up to 10 students per year have the chance to finish their studies in T-CEL with a thesis (M.Ed.).


From students for students (in german): Video

Get in touch

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Department of Chemistry

Brook-Taylor Str. 2

12489 Berlin



Library opening hours

Newton-Str. 14

Room 3´05 


by appointment via E-Mail

Office hours

term/            by appointment, Skype or Zoom

off-term       registration required  by E-Mail


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